Types of podcasts 2021 [the complete list]
Lats updates: February 19, 2021
There are so many podcasts out there, on so many different topics. (The best educational podcasts might be just what you need in 2021. 😱) They are an awesome pass time activity when we’re commuting, or doing some house work, or just walking the doggo. Some people listen to music, some listen to audio books, and others listen to podcasts. Our question of the day is: how many types of podcasts do you know about? And why is it important to know that?
Podcasts are addictive and we here at TechACake.com love them. We get to listen to some pretty inspiring stories, and stories are one of the most important things for humanity. Sharing some personal experience or listening to some fictional storytelling might be just what we need today. Let’s meet all the types of podcasts and enjoy the medium even more.
How many different types of podcasts are there in 2021? Now, if you want to start your own podcast and are wondering which format to use - this article is for you. Have a good look at the list and then I’ll explain:
Types of podcasts
- Interview podcasts
- Podcasts series
- Educational podcasts
- Language learning podcasts
- Storytelling podcasts
- Comic podcasts
- Panel podcasts
- Theatre podcasts
- Political podcasts
- Non-fiction podcasts
- Conversational podcasts
- Solo podcasts
- Co-host podcasts
- True crime podcasts
- Celebrity podcasts
- News podcasts
- Hybrid podcasts
- Repurposed content podcasts
There’s nothing I like best than lying in bed after a busy day, getting my podcasts headphones, turning on our favorite podcast while playing a mobile game. (There are some excellent meditation podcasts which will make you sleepy in no time.) Which are your favorite podcasts to listen to? Personally, I find educational podcasts just fascinating.
OK, we start with:
Interview podcast
An interview podcast is one of the most popular types of podcasts. The hosts of the podcast interviews their guest and the success of the interview depends on the skill of the host as usual. Podcasts are all about finding a unique perspective and delivering a special product. That’s why interviewing guests is a cool way to reach a larger audience and gain the attention of people with different interests. One of the most spectacular interview podcasts 2020 is The Joe Rogan Experience - every time a different celebrity (e.g. Elon Musk, Kevin Hart). Actually, this is one of the best podcasts of all time and one of the highest earning podcasts as well.
Podcast series
Those are awesome! Like TV series but only you just listen to them. The imagination of every podcast listener just gets wild and most of us just want to binge listen to those podcasts. Some of the most listened to podcasts are series. Try a podcasts legend like My Favorite Murder and you’ll want to binge listen to that show as much as possible.
Educational podcast
Arguably one of the best types of podcasts out there. They often have more than one podcast host, and they focus on a specific takeaway for their listeners. The moment one gets hooked on educational podcasts, it’s going to take a while to let go. The category sounds more serious than it actually is - the other day I discovered Mythology for myself and I binge listened to several episodes right there, from the start. What an audio drama!
Language learning podcast
This is an amazing opportunity for every language student of all ages. Learning a new language is a challenge and listening to a language podcast can really make all the difference. With podcasts being free, listening to native speakers is quite the advantage for many students.
Storytelling podcasts
Listening to stories is a treat after a long day. If you’re up for something special, you can try a storytelling podcast like LeVar Burton Reads. He reads stories by famous authors and his voice is just irresistible. Podcasts series make people come back for more - explore as many stories as you like and travel the world with storytelling podcasts.
Comic podcasts
Comic books can make excellent podcasts and that’s an awesome format of comic series. And of course, if you’re a fan of comic books, you will love those podcasts. One of the most popular comic series is iFanboy where they discuss the most popular comics and what they like and dislike about them. Definitely an awesome podcast format!
Panel podcasts
Panel podcasts have one host and multiple guests. It’s like an interview podcast but with more than one guest for the episode. Featuring chats with celebrity friends and experts is one of the best ways to have an amazing panel podcast. One of the big cons of that format is that it’s not an easy thing to come up with guests for every episode, no matter how unique it could be. However, the great thing about being the host of a panel podcast is that you’ll ask the questions and your guests will do all the talking.
Theatre podcasts
Most of those podcasts have their hosts and guests discuss what’s hot and new in the world of theatre. If you enjoy going to the theatre, this format is just for you. Try The Theatre Podcast with Alan Seales or Broadway Radio and stay informed about the latest theatre shows and talents.
Political podcasts
Politics has always been a hot topic for debate and podcasts are no exception. No matter what your political interests are, there is for sure a political podcast for you to listen to. Some of the best podcasts about US politics include The NPR Politics Podcast, The Slate Political Gabfest (a cool panel podcast), and The Argument.
Non-fiction podcasts
Non-fiction narrative storytelling podcasts are focused on real events. You can say that true crime podcasts are non-fiction podcasts, but we’ll cover them in a minute. Those could be science podcasts or historical podcasts, you name it. And they could be quite addictive, so careful there (wink). Try Noble Blood (seriously!), This American Life or Radiolab and see for yourself.
Conversational podcast
Those podcasts are like panel shows, the only difference being - nobody ever plans conversational podcasts much. They are more spontaneous and creative. The lack of scenario gives the host and guests the freedom to express themselves and sometimes you can listen to some pretty awesome conversations on those podcasts.
Solo podcasts
Those podcasts have only one host presenting. They’re not the interview podcasts we started with, and they are definitely one of the most popular podcast formats. The solo commentary podcast is a cool form of monologue, however the host must be very confident and to have much to tell if they are to pull off a one man show, so to speak. Some podcasters prefer having the platform all for themselves and that could be quite amazing actually. They basically interview themselves and they provide value for the listener. Some of the best solo podcasts 2020 travel solo podcasts and entrepreneurs who tell their success stories.
Co host podcast
When the podcast has two hosts, this is a co-host podcast. The best co-host podcasts have a functioning team of hosts. The better they get along - the better the podcast. Connecting with the podcast audience has a chemistry element involved and we’ve all listened to podcasts where the co-hosts are having such a good time they forget there’s an audience out there.
True crime podcasts
When ordinary people tell stories from their lives we have a true story podcast. Those podcasts that are ‘based on real events’ might just be irresistible. If you are a fan of the classic thriller whodunit kind of stories, then you can try true crime podcasts like Casefile. Enjoy!
Celebrity podcasts
Oh, Jeez. Where do we start? So many celebrities have recorded podcasts, we just love to listen to our favorite ones. Among the best celebrity podcasts 2020 there’s Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, The Michelle Obama Podcast, and Kate Hudson’s Sibling Rivalry, just to name a few.
News podcasts
There are those podcasts which focus on the news of the day. And of course, with the coronavirus outbreak, even more people would like to listen to the latest news of the day in a podcast. However, it takes a team to pull off such an endeavour. One of the famous news podcasts are Newstalk, Global News Podcast, and NPR Up First.
Hybrid podcasts
What is a hybrid podcast? When you have one host who invites guests for podcast episodes - you get a hybrid podcast. The guest might also act as hosts for several episodes and thus to contribute to the show. It’s a wild ride.
Repurposed content podcast
There’s nothing bad in reusing your content for something new. Repurposing existing content on social media or on your blog into a podcast may bring you the audience you were looking for. Podcast-savvy users share that this is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website, or establish yourself as an authority in the niche since people are going to start recognising you in that niche.
Here we are. What do you think?
There are many types and formats of podcasts and today we covered many of them for you, guys. Now you’ll be aware of what kind of podcast you’re listening to (or if there are several types in one actually). Exploring new podcasts and learning new things is what the genre is all about.
Did you find the types of podcasts of your favorite shows? We shared with you several excellent podcasts, so we hope you discovered something new and exciting today.
Enjoy your time with podcasts and visit TechACake.com for new content every week!