Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells guide [a must-play mobile game]
Last updated: December 19, 2021
Featured image © Zynga Games
Regardless if you are a Harry Potter maniac/enthusiast/neutral (or even hater 😱), Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells is one of the best match-3 games 2022 that will give you the entertainment you’re looking for. It’s based on the wildly popular Candy Crush, but it includes so many elements that will keep any user hooked for a long time. Here comes our Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells guide!
They are addictive, competitive, and we always keep coming back for more. Surely enough, we here at TechACake.com PLAY mobile games! Why not explore new games and have a good time? Mobile gaming is a passion we all share in 2021 and we are here today to share with you one of the 2021 favorites. Here are the nominees:
Image © Google Play
(FYI - the winner was Spongebob: Krusty Cook-Off.) Today we’ll try to cover all you need to know about the game, help you with some additional links and some cool screenshots from the game. Let’s get started:
About the game
Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells is a mobile game developed by Zynga games. It’s published by Portkey Games - the creators of another mobile game hit Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. And of course, the game is under the spell of the Wizarding World. The release was announced in March 2020, and the game was released in September 2020.
This match 3 mobile game is a must-play for every Harry Potter fan out there, as much as the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy (also a Portkey Games product) which is totally on the list of most anticipated video games of 2021.
Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells was shortlisted as one of the top 10 Google Play Store Users’ Choice Games 2020. Download this free match-3 mobile game and bring Hogwarts closer to you once more.
Celebrate the most iconic moments from the legendary books and movies. We’re here for you with our Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells guide. Let’s get a good look at the game:
Player’s Journey
The game starts at Privet Drive (where else?). Puzzles 1-665 are from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. From level 666 forward they continue with Chamber of Secrets.
In December 2020, there were 965 levels of the game which are ready for gamers. In August 2021, the levels are already more than 1900 (1955 to be precise - the stage is Destroying the Diary). The new ones are already under construction - that would be the ending of Chamber of secrets and the beginning of Prisoner of Azkaban. Every new journey in the Player’s Journey consists of 5-60 levels of the game. (Needless to say, the farther you go into the game - the more levels a Journey will have.)
You basically enter a specific scene in the book and the levels inside are thematic. For example, when you are at the Potion’s Class Journey, you get to see Professor Snape grin at ya, and most of the levels have little bottles of potion you need to spend in order to pass to the next level.
For example, during the Chriestmas holidays we got so many exciting events. Here's Hagrid bringing us some holiday spirit:
The image on the left represents the Daily Login Rewards chart. If you play the game even for a few minutes every day, you get special rewards. Day 7 is really special - you get 45 minute "endless lives" reward!
Without further ado, let’s see what the levels look like. The challenges are pretty amazing:
Before we start, we need to make one thing clear (just to put it there so we’re all on the same page). There are seven gem colors on the board, the four basic being red for Gryffindor, yellow for Hufflepuff, blue for Ravenclaw and green for Slytheirn. The creators added a violet (often used), orange (rarely used), and a transparent sphere (often used) which you collect to cast a spell. Now we can move on:
Being mobile game addicts here, we decided to SHOW you some of the best levels we’ve reached so far. Each screenshot is taken before the first move was done, so you get to see the initial layout of the puzzle.
The challenges players face in the course of the game are around 36, according to the Harry Potter Fandom page. Here they are:
Image © Harry Potter Fandom
Needless to say, we all love collecting Hogwarts acceptance letters, and covering the whole playing field with butterbeer, or gathering all those remembralls filled with red smoke (oops!).
The Characters from the books/movies help a lot in the way, of course. Ron and Hermione help you collect the items you need to pass the level, and Harry spreads the color of the gemstones you need. As always - the golden trio is a match made in heaven.
Some levels include a spell as an important part of the level. The spells are one of the best features in the game which brings the Harry Potter world closer to us.
You start with an initial set of spells and the more Challenges you pass, the more spells you upgrade. (We’ll cover the Challenges in a minute.) In order to cast a spell you need to collect a certain number of the transparent spheres. Sometimes you get to choose between two spells at a time, so you need to know what each makes. (If you have read the HP books or watched the movies you may have a certain advantage here over the muggles.) Next:
Here comes the fun part. The events are one of the things that make that match-3 game more than most of its kind. We start with:
Weekly events
Several times a week you’ll get an event and they are quite awesome! It can be a celebration of the birthday of a book character, or any event from the books (e.g. Thanksgiving or Christmas), or as simple as celebrating the House Elves. When players complete the tasks (collecting stars) they get a reward - usually some points to get you to the next game level. We selected eight events for you so you get to see what they look like:
Next comes the daily challenge:
Daily Club Puzzle
This is one of the awesome features of this mobile game - it’s a standalone event which you get every single day. Every day, your club officer starts the Daily Club Puzzle event and you have a window of opportunity to play and solve a random puzzle (six hours).
Once you solve the daily club puzzle, you earn points for your team so you can go to the next Club level. There’s a team Chat where you can discuss tactics to solve the daily club puzzle and where the team officer says when the puzzle will start.
Challenges from Hogwarts Professors
Once a week a professor starts a Challenge (check your Events.). You will have a limited window of opportunity to solve several puzzles and get a spell upgrade once you do them all. No worries, though. If you can’t get them all this time, next time the same professor starts the Challenge you can resume from whenever you left.
Not unlike the books and the movies, the mobile game gives us that sense of community few other franchises can boast. When you enter the game you need to join a team. You can ask your team mates for lives (directly from the team chat) or send lives back to whomever asked.
Today we focused on one of the best mobile games of 2022. Our Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells guide will help you get started and have a good look before you download the game. And if you’re already in, we hope you enjoyed our selection of screenshots.
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Happy gaming, everyone!