Titanfall 2 player count: is Titanfall 2 dead in 2022?
Last updated: March 7, 2022
Featured image © Steam
What is the latest Titanfall 2 player count 2022? The game is still one of the most beautifully designed first-person shooter games on the video game market although it never became the massive success the developers hoped for. How many people play Titanfall 2 in 2022? Is Titanfall 2 dead? Today, we'll find out.
Check out our Gaming category if you’re interested in the latest video gaming statistics 2022. Now, Titanfall 2 is a fast-paced, action-packed shooter game that features stunning design and awesome heroes. The sequel to Titanfall was supposed to be a much bigger hit and we’re here to find out what happened that prevented Titanfall 2 from becoming the next CS:GO or GTA 5. The latest Titanfall 2 player count 2022 will surprise you, especially if you're a fan of the franchise. Here we go:
Titanfall 2 player count 2022
In 2022, Titanfall 2 is not doing so good. The shooter game ranks very low on Steam and Twitch and it seems that the audience has lost most of its interest in Titanfall 2. Let's have a look at the latest Titanfall 2 player count 2022:
1. In March 2022, between 22,000 and 25,000 people play Titanfall 2 across all platforms.
(Source: Playercounter)
The source website uses an algorithm to track the active player count of the most popular video games 2022. In order to determine the exact Titanfall 2 player base, our team monitored the activity of Titanfall 2 players and came up with those numbers. According to the Titanfall 2 tracker, in March 2022, the Titanfall 2 player count is between 22,000 and 25,000 concurrent players.
2. In March 2022, Titanfall 2 ranks #463 on Steam.
(Source: Steam Charts)
It's been six years since the official Titanfall 2 release back in 2016, and one thing is for sure - the popularity of the game has dropped significantly in 2022. Titanfall 2 was never a record-breaker like PUBG or Fortnite but the success of the game never actually came. Check out the latest Fortnite player count 2022 if you're curious. It's worth it!
3. As of March 2022, the all-time peak of Titanfall 2 players on Steam is 27,500.
(Source: Steam Charts)
According to the latest Titanfall 2 Steam Charts, the average Titanfall 2 concurrent player count on Steam is between 1,100 and 1,800 players. May 2022 saw the all-time peak of Titanfall 2 players on the platform - 27,500 which is still the Titanfall 2 Steam record for number of concurrent players.
4. In March 2022, Titanfall 2 ranks #755 on Twitch.
(Source: Twitch Tracker)
As you can see, Titanfall 2 is not very popular on the video game live streaming platform. The Titanfall 2 gameplay may well be very immersive and beautifully designed but the interest of the public has never been on the side of Titanfall 2. The game can’t measure up to video gaming giants like Counter-Strike or Dota 2. Make sure you check out the latest CS:GO player count 2022 - it's astonishing!
5. In March 2022, most Titanfall 2 players come from the US and Russia.
(Source: Playercounter)
The US boasts one of the largest gaming communities in the world in 2022. According to the Titanfall 2 live player count, there were more than 20,000 people playing Titanfall 2 in March 2022. Almost 30% of them came from the US, 8.10% - from Russia, 7.23% - from the UK, 7.22% - from Australia, and 7.04% - from Poland.
Image © PCInvasion
Is Titanfall 2 dead in 2022?
Not yet but close. In March 2022, between 22,000 and 25,000 people play Titanfall 2 concrrently across all platforms every day. The game ranks #463 on Steam and #755 on Twitch and it seems that the Titanfall 2 player base has almost lost any interest in playing and watching Titanfall 2 gameplay.
How many people play Titanfall 2?
The Titanfall 2 player count has dropped significantly in 2022. According to the Titanfall 2 Steam Charts, the game ranks # 463 on the platform. The Titanfall 2 Twitch community has dropped to an average of around 60 concurrent viewers in March 2022.
6. In May 2021, people watched 418,000 hours of Titanfall 2 gameplay on Twitch.
(Source: Twitch Tracker)
Back in May 2021, the popularity of Titanfall 2 on Twitch was on a different level than in 2022. This was also the record for the most hours of Titanfall 2 gameplay watched on Twitch since the release of the game on the platfrom back in January 2017.
7. In August 2021, there were 12,500 average monthly Titanfall 2 players.
(Source: Activeplayer)
A total of 7,000 gamers played in Titanfall 2 around the world in January 2021. However, in August 2021, the Titanfall player count across all devices has increased. The average number of Titanfall 2 players on Steam in March 2022, was around 1,700 people.
8. In July 2020, 650,000 people played Titanfall 2 multiplayer.
(Source: PlayerTracker)
The peak of Titanfall 2 players came in July 2020, when more than 650,000 people played the game concurrently.
Titanfall 2 facts
Titanfall 2 players have to combine and conquer their titans and pilots. One of the great things about the game is that you can share the experience with your friends in a multiplayer mode or just spend some alone time in a single player mode. If you’re looking for your next favorite game, check out our list of the most anticipated video games of 2021. You will find something awesome for sure!
And now it’s time for some short Titanfall 2 trivia. We’ll have a look at several things you might have missed about the game. Here we go:
9. Titanfall 2 was released on October 28, 2016.
(Source: CinemaBlend)
The immediate aftermath following the release of Titanfall 2 was less than triumphant. The launch of the game coincided with two other VIP launches - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1. Titanfall 2 was the smallest pony in the race and the chances for the huge success the publisher was hoping for, were slim.
10. Currently, there are eight Titanfall 2 Titans.
(Source: Titanfall Fandom)
Titanfall 2 Titans are one of the most intriguing features of the game. There’s Monarch, Vanguard, Ronin, Tone, Legion, Ion, Northstar, and Scorch and each of them is powerful in their own way. However, gamers often have difficulty choosing the right Titan to play with.
If you’re looking for a Titan that’s perfect in every aspect, try Tone or Ion. Ronin and Northstar are faster and more agile than the others. And if you’re looking for The Muscle - try Scorch or Legion. There are many who believe that the best Titanfall 2 Titan is Tone. He seems to be the strongest of the eight but with a very poor defense. And oftentimes, Legion is voted the weakest Titan. You can’t know for sure if you don’t experiment with each of them, though.
11. There are seven Titanfall 2 pilot tacticals.
(Source: Gamepedia)
The special abilities of the Titanfall 2 pilots are called tacticals and there are what makes the pilot unique. Players can personalize the look of their pilot when changing the tactical and simultaneously make a difference on the battlefield.
12. There are 28 weapons to choose from in Titanfall 2.
(Source: Gamepedia)
There are two ways of unlocking a Titanfall 2 weapon - reaching the required level or by spending your merits (in-game currency). And of course, the combination between the Titan, the polit, and the weapon (and of course the ability of the gamer) determine the outcome of the game.
Image © Polygon
Titanfall 2 cheaters
Cheating in video games is one of the biggest issues in the industry in the last decade. Why do people prefer to use artificial aiming and wall hacks in order to get a quick and easy victory is a mystery. However, gamers all over the world keep complaining about cheaters and often use interest in a game because of the number of cheaters they encounter along the way.
What kind of cheaters can you find on Titanfall 2? There are immunity hacks and aimbots, of course and many fans say there are many cheaters among the Xbox Titanfall 2 players. Regardless if you’re a Titanfall 2 PC or Titanfall 2 Xbox player, you must have encountered video game cheaters at almost every shooter game (CS:GO cheaters are notorious all over the world!) or battle royale game (e.g. Apex Legends cheaters). Since smurfing is not really possible in Titanfall 2 because there is no matchmaking system based on ranking, there are other ways people have found to annoy gamers who play by the book.
Wrap up
How many people play Titanfall 2 in 2022? According to the latest Titanfall 2 player count 2022, between 22,000 and 25,000 people play the game concurrently across all platforms every day. The popularity of Titanfall 2 on Steam and on Twitch has never been lower and most gamers have turned their back on Titanfall 2.
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